I love my kids
Being A Mom
I just wanted to express my feelings about being a momI really do love it! I cherish every moment with my kids
well only the moments when I am not getting mad at
them! I am so blessed to have such smart, cute, funny,
imaginative kids! I think having children is one of the greatest
gifts heavenly father has given me! I know I am not perfect
I want my children to know that I love them and that I would
do anything for them. I love to hear stories about other children
and how you moms and dads raise them. It is hard being
a parent and knowing if you are teaching your children
the best way. Or if you are being too hard on them. I guess
you learn from experiences. All that I have to say is poor
great she is doing so good about doing her chores and practicing
her piano without me even having to ask. Even the other day
she came and apologized to me for having a bad attitude. She is
growing up way to fast! She is a good friends to others. Dont get me
wrong Kaiya can have her moments, but she grows from them
and so do we. We love her so much!
Taj Has so much personality His imagination is growing and growing
every day. He comes up with the funniest stories. He loves animals,
most of all horses and dogs! His new thing is that he wants a dog that
can do karate and name him Dho Jho. He still tells me he loves me
more than once every day! Now he says " I will never talk back to
you ok mom". So cute. He has a lisp we need to help him with it but
I love it so much!!!
Marley is so happy most of the time she is smiling,
but she is starting to get a little attitude. She is still
not walking, but is really close. Yesterday when Matt
got home from work the moment she saw him she
squealed and started kicking her legs. It was so cute!
she loves to play with her daddy. She says ma ma and
dad. and she says Taj a lot. She is so much fun our little bug.
We are excited to have more kids and
grow as a family.
They are all so cute! You're going to keep going, eh? The more the merrier!
alissa...you are the most patient and kind mother in the world...no wonder you have great kids! they are all so cute!
ps i love love love the healthy cooking blog. thank you.
I found your blog - - finally
So cute - love it!!!
We love your kids. Alissa I think you are a fantastic mom and I wich I were as patient and sweet as you. But I guess I'll just have to embrace the way I am cause I'm probably never going to be as sweet as you. Hope all is going well for you guys. I love you and your cute kids. Hey how do get them to obey?
It is fun to read your blog and know other mothers think the same way, but I always cherish mine the most when they are a sleep. Your kids are so cute. Marley has gotten so big!
we miss you guys! your kids r4eally are the cutest! you better keep in touch, we are always up for anything!
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